Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Beginning of PMS

Lexington, KY
Thursday, October 6

To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to the attention of the undersigned that performances of historical as well as new compositions have prevented the spread of so-called "recent" music. As common as it is for new works to be premiered, it remains just as rare for them to receive subsequent hearings. Thus there is an ever-growing body of works whose premieres, without the aid of some external force, will remain only that. Having been birthed in sound, premiered pieces are condemned to die a slow and silent death.

The Premiered Music Society intends to rectify this. Through a program of rediscovering previously premiered works, advocating their study, encouraging their analysis, and demanding their performance, PMS will provide an avenue for them to re-enter the active repertoire. Outlets for these activities will include the publication of analysis and criticism and the construction of a social network connecting decision-makers to "recent" music. This is not to assume that all "recent" music deserves a place in the standard repertoire. PMS will provide a vital resource for ensuring that worthy pieces do.

The inaugural session of PMS, to include the creation of a constitution and by-laws, the election of officers, and the new president's valedictory address, will begin promptly at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, October 12,in the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library on the campus of the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY), in conjunction with the activities of the University of Kentucky Seminar in Musicology. A call for papers will be issued by October 10.

Inquiries should be addressed as follows.

The Premiered Music Society
ATTN: Nate Craddock
ATTN: Todd Jones
ATTN: Chris Little
ATTN: Nathan Miller
105-C Fine Arts Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0022

Pro humanitatis,

Nate Craddock
Todd R. Jones
Christopher C. Little
nathan t. miller