Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On Criticism and Huun Huur Tu

How can music be new?
Can singing styles and instruments
Expand imagination's worlds?
If so, is it new?

How can music be real?
Can it draw pictures of spirits
Who cannot be seen without sound?
If so, is it real?

How much is music worth?
Wherein lies its power, value,
Its final reason for being?
Can anyone say?

1 comment:

  1. I did not attend the concert. This is drawn from my attendance at Huun Huur Tu's workshop on interpreting their instrumentals and reproducing their vocals (my favorite comment: on hearing me practice, Radik Tyulyush said something like "You're coughing; that's good"). I also attended Ted Levin's lecture and have been studying HHT for a few weeks in MUS 711.
